Sat Nam

When was the last time you stopped and thought before you wrote or said something, before distributing Your gospel throughout the social networks?
Today Mercury retrograde comes closely with both aspects of Mars and Neptune in Pisces. This astrological signature further underlines our need to study the subtle difference between abusive words that create trauma and bring more chaos, words that are out of control because of imbalance or momentary insanity, and words that can inspire others, elevate and strengthen. Not for nothing Mercury is considered to be the messenger of the gods in ancient mythology. According to the Greek mythology Hermes (the Greek name of Mercury) accompanies human beings in the world, and in time of death he’s guiding the souls to the underworld.


Our words have power, and now more than ever the sky reflect the need for us to listen before speaking and learn  to regulate more precisely the way we conduct in the world. The encounter with Mars in Gemini can strengthen our need to send our words aligned with action. This is the connection between the fifth and third chakras. This connection is important, because the energetic center of the navel is the source of our strength and balance. When there is no balance between all the factors, words can be sent in all directions, in a blunt way, without realizing that we can hurt others. This imbalance can lead us to a place where our words have become a sword that serves the Ego instead of serving infinity.
The aspect to Neptune in Pisces reflects the need to learn to speak, pass the word, in service to others, with the intention to channel our words through the heart and beyond the ego. This connection can make our words inspirational, being a channel  to transfer important and accurate knowledge, but if you choose to continue communicating without awareness and won’t stop to examine and observe, as  Mercury retrograde asks us, we can create a situation where instead of inspiration we express uncontrolled anger, trying to show how smart and wise we are, but hurt others without realizing it.
The connection with Neptune could also lead us to the illusion that we have solved all the riddles of life and now is the time to spread the knowledge. With the challenging events around us these days, it is important to remember the power of the word and teach ourselves to be conscious about the implications of what we say, write or do, maybe even examine again and again (and again says Mercury Rx) the intent behind them, ask ourselves whether our mind is playing with us, whether it controls us or we control it, to distinguish between what is more important and what is less,  and let the words be a healing force.


One important yoga practice in general , and especially in Kundalini yoga is chanting mantras. The use of sacred texts that were transferred to us by masters that were in higher states of consciousness can help us to clear the subconscious and balance the throat / fifth chakra – Vishuddha.
Try to chant a mantra (like this) for 3 to 11 minutes and find out for yourself the healing power of the words.


