On December 21, 2012, as you must have already heard, the Mayan calender is ending. The end of a cycle does not say that it is the end of the world, but simply point to a time of change and the beginning of a new cycle. Many find it difficult to accept endings and tend to develop fears only by thinking about it. people find it hard to let go of material things, beloved people and also old habits and conditioning. It’s important to remember that it’s all about moving forward to the next level, personally and globally.

The Mayan calender is a mesoamerican calender that was used in places like Mexico and Guatemala and it’s calculation method is different then the Gregorian calender for example. what actually ends in Dec 21 2012 is the 13 Baktun. each Baktun equals 394 solar years, but there are also bigger cycles in the Mayan system that are counted in thousand and million years. The Mayan’s saw this day as a celebration of ending a cycle and the beginning of a new one. this day did not marked for them the end of the world as many tend to interpret, but an accelerated passage to another reality, that will look different from the linear reality we live in today, especially from time and space point of reference.

So what is actually happening in December 21 2012?

First of all it’s the winter solstice day, the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere  like every year when the Sun reach the Southern point. but this year also planet Earth is ending a cycle of around 26,000 years, while rotating around his axis. also there is a galactic alignment, although not exact, of the Sun, Earth and Galactic center of the Milky way galaxy, in 27 degrees of Sagittarius. The GC is a black hole located 28,000 light years from the Sun, so we probably wont be sucked into it with our whole Solar system.

From a less scientific definition, the GC is a cosmic threshold that contain in it a lot of knowledge about the universe and the creation. the pressetion of the Earth was known to Astronomers in ancient times and they had the ability to understand the cycles of the time we live in, and it’s quit amazing to see how accurate they were. the 13 Baktun didn’t just end with no reason on that day and the Mayan’s definitely knew what they were doing.

The Fifth World

The end of this cycle is then a threshold to a new age, new beginnings and a change in consciousness. some say that it is the critical move from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius and also an important cosmic portal. it’s also a move to what the Mayan’s called the Fifth world. this world is ruled by the element of Ether. This element also called in Hindu tradition Akasha Tattva, and taking us to a transformation of our Ego to a place where we understand that we are part of Infinity and not separated. This element is also mentioned in many eastern traditions and also Plato and Aristotle wrote about it. If the 4 elements Earth, Fire, Water and Air are symbolizing physical reality, the lower triangle of chakras and the Heart Chakra, the Ether element is taking us to a more subtle level, beyond time and space as we know it, beyond the Sublunar dimension, above Earth’s atmosphere to the higher worlds and chakras. Ether is timeless space where we are connected to the universal cosmic knowledge. according to Hinduism it’s the element of creation.

As was written also in the gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” the sound current is also related to the ether element, and teach us how we can change our reality with sound. for those of you who wondered why we chant Mantras, it’s exactly from this reason of changing our reality and even our DNA with chanting of Shabad. Ether is also the fifth chakra’s element – Vishudhha and the planetary representatives are Mercury, as transmitor of knowledge that connect us to higher knowledge – Jupiter.

The transition of the Sun to 0 degrees Capricorn is happening on December 21 2012 at 11:12 AM UT.

What Astrology says about this day

In the chart for that day we have a planetary configuration called Yod or finger of God. this configuration brings with it the mutual reception of Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn forming the sextile and Jupiter Rx in Gemini at the apex. The Yod is about alignment with bigger forces. it can bring personal and collective processes that express a need to do a more accurate internal tuning in. Pluto and Saturn are bringing also a quality of karmic alignment or purging.  the themes coming with this Yod are about the right use of knowledge and words, the way we use and affect others with this power is on the spotlight. it can be in personal communication, through Media, journalism, articles and every other way we use words written or spoken. Knowledge can empower but also bring us down if we use it in an irresponsible way. If we can understand it we can also choose from the many opinions the most true and important things. It’s also suggesting that we will fine tune our learning process and examine carefully what is right and what is wrong.

In opposition to Jupiter in Gemini is Venus in Sagittarius, in the role of the releasing point of the Yod. the work is through finding our truth and connecting to the more subtle unseen dimensions so we can fulfill our full potential. Venus is also forming a T square with Neptune/Chiron in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini – the axis of knowledge that lead us to a wider understanding of reality, as well as the understanding that our reality is not the finite one.

The Sabian symbol of the Galactic center degree is: “Ancient bridge witnesses to the skill of forgotten men” – the GC is the bridge between modern and the ancient knowledge and world. this point can help us to understand things from many dimensions and not just from our narrow point of view. the activation of the GC brings with it evolution of consciousness and the ability to bridge between worlds.

The Sabian symbol of the chart’s Ascendant is: “The Rainbow’s pot of gold glows amidst the sparkling rain” – here we also have indication for abundance of higher spiritual resources. Gold is the product of alchemy and also metal that is related to the Heart center.

From all this information we can start to see how this time of transition is in a very subtle way, and without working and developing the connection of our spiritual dimension to our physical we will not be able to fully get it. this transition demands higher tuning in and ability to contain the infinite possibilities offered to us by the Universe. we will understand that there is so much more beyond what we know and see, and there is a need to accept and balance our various energetic dimensions or body’s, those that are about the higher, multi dimensional metaphysical science of the universe.

Kundalini yoga Meditation for the fifth chakraThroat Meditation
Sit in Easy pose with the hands in gyan mudra (index touching the thumbs). Straighten the spine, drop the shoulders and tuck the chin in slightly to create neck lock.
Chant “Humee Hum Brahm Hum” without using the tip of the tongue at all. Use only the root of the tongue to chant. Chant for 11 minutes.